Laundry Services
All personal laundry service is provided by Foyer Richelieu Welland Support Services 7/7 day. Laundry is collected daily and residents’ personals are processed and returned within 24 hours. Foyer Richelieu Welland is not responsible for residents’ personals that are lost or damaged during processing. Concerns about missing items need to be identified as soon as possible to the home so that staff may assist in tracing the whereabouts of the item.
The residents’ rooms are cleaned on a daily basis and sweeping and dusting are done once a week. The common bathrooms and private bathrooms are cleaned on a daily basis. Spring cleaning is done yearly.
Maintenance Services
All electrical, plumbing, heating and other maintenance problems, which occur within Foyer Richelieu Welland, should be reported to the registered staff as soon as they are noticed. The Maintenance staff will take care of the problem as soon as possible. Foyer Richelieu Welland’s do preventative maintenance regularly. Safety is of prime concern.